Свіжі новини по грипу птиці

8 February 2017, 17:00 hours; Rome

The next update will be issued on 22 February 2017


Information provided herein is current as of the date of issue. Information added or changed since the last H7N9 situation update appears in red. Human cases are depicted in the geographic location of their report. For some cases, exposure may have occurred in one geographic location but reported in another. For cases with unknown onset date, reporting date was used instead. FAO compiles information drawn from multiple national (Ministries of Agriculture or Livestock, Ministries of Health, Provincial Government websites; Centers for Disease Prevention and Control [CDC]) and international sources (World Health Organization [WHO], World Organisation for Animal Health [OIE]) as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles. FAO makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information. The designation employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers.



Situation: Influenza A(H7N9) virus with pandemic potential.
Country: China; three human cases originated in China and were reported in Malaysia (1) and Canada (2).
Number of human cases: 1115 confirmed; 379 deaths (since February 2013)
Provinces/municipalities:Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin municipalities; Anhui; Fujian; Guangdong; Hubei and Liaoning provinces; Henan; Hunan; Jiangsu; Jiangxi; Shandong; Zhejiang; Guangxi; Guizhou; Jilin; Qinghai; Hubei; Sichuan; Taiwan Province of China; Hong Kong SAR; Macao SAR, Ningxia Hui and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regions; Sabah (Malaysia); British Columbia (Canada).
Animal/environmental findings: over 2,000 virological samples from the environment, chickens, pigeons, ducks and a tree sparrow tested positive; positives mainly from live bird markets, vendors and some commercial or breeding farms.
FAO actions: liaise with China and partners, monitor situation, monitor virus evolution, conduct market chain analysis, risk assessment, surveillance guidance and communication.

Map. Human cases and positive findings in birds or the environment

Human cases and positive findings in birds or the environment
Click to enlargeNote:  Human cases are depicted in the geographic location where they were reported; for some cases, exposure may have occurred in a different geographic location. Precise location for 14 human cases in Anhui (5), Hunan (4), Hubei (3), Jiangsu (1) and Zhejiang (1) Provinces are currently not known, these cases are therefore not shown on the map.



 Situation update


  • 26 January – 3 February, Macao SAR: Avian influenza H7 virus was detected in samples collected from two batches of live poultry during import quarantine on 26 January and 3 February 2017. Macao Government immediately launched the avian influenza response program: suspension of live poultry sales for a minimum of three days with immediate effect, destroying all live poultry in wholesale markets and cleaning and disinfection of all wholesale markets, slaughterhouses, and retail shops. The source of the infection is being investigated [reference 1; reference 2].

Figure 1. Number of positive virological samples from birds or the environment, by province and origin as of 8 February 2017

Number of positive virological samples from birds or the environment, by province* and origin
Click to enlarge


  • Since the last update (24 January 2017), 75 new human cases have been reported in Jiangsu (13), Guangdong (10), Hunan (8), Zhejiang (8), Jiangxi (7), Anhui (7), Hubei (6), Fujian (5), Henan (3), Liaoning (2), Sichuan (2), Guangxi (1), Guizhou (1), Shandong (1), and Taiwan (1).
  • For detailed information on human cases, please refer to WHO’s Disease Outbreak News.

Figure 2. Number of officially reported human cases since February 2013 as of 8 February 2017

Number of officially reported human cases since February 2013
Click to enlarge

Figure 3. Incidence of officially reported human cases by month, based on onset date as of 8 February 2017

Incidence of officially reported human cases by week, based on onset date
Click to enlargeNote: For cases with unknown onset dates from wave 1 (n=7), wave 2 (n=2), wave 3 (n=146), wave 4 (n= 27) and wave 5 (n=204) reporting dates were used instead.


  • In addition to the surveillance findings by MoA and MoH, 1,728 virologically positive samples have also been reported in 12 peer-reviewed articles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). A total of 71,920 samples have been collected in these studies since April 2013, of which 1,728 (2.4%) were positive for H7N9 (1,215 environmental samples, 501 chickens, 1 goose and 1 tree sparrow).

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